The Kalaparva accepts articles that reflect author’s personal experience, opinions, perspectives and insights on a specific topic in the artscape, including overlapping areas of art with culture, business, philosophy, religion and history. The eZine also accepts objective reviews of concerts, recitals, DVDs and books, with emphasis on experience based point of views.

We seek writings in 4 categories - a) Commentary, b) Reviews, c) Conversations, and d) Luminaries. The suggested length for the categories is 500-600 words.But submissions of 400-800 word length may be considered in exceptional cases.

Please note that we will not consider articles that have already been published elsewhere in print or online. However, simultaneous submissions are welcome. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know immediately. Rights revert to the you as an author upon publication, and we ask that we be acknowledged (as The Kalaparva) in future reprintings of the work. If you will need to withdraw the submission please go through the Submission Manager.

We assure you that we read all submissions. Please note that this eZine is a completely a volunteer driven initiaitive. However, we are doing everything we can to minimize the response time and revert to you. We will do our best to respond within 30-40 days from the day of receipt. But, if the you have not heard from us within the timeframe, then we kindly request you to contact us at

The editorial board reserves the right to correct any punctuation or grammar. We would not be able to provide you with a detailed feedback in case of non-acceptance.

Please note that we do not monetarily compensate the writers as the eZine runs on the spirit of volunteerism. However, in order to celebrate some of the best writingsAnnual Best Writer Award in each category is being constituted.   


Size limit: 600 words

In this section we consider author’s personal experience, opinions, perspectives and insights on specific themes in the art-scape, including on the allied areas of arts such as culture, history, philosophy and religion.

Size limit: 500 words

In this section we consider reviews of concerts, recitals, DVDs and books, with emphasis on experience based point of views.

Note: Only events within 15 days prior to the submission will be considered.  

Size limit: 600 words

In this section we consider carefully developed in-depth interviews and dialogues with art fraternity. The objective is to reveal artistes’ ideas, thoughts, creative processes and work, and also reflect on the past, present and future of the art-scape.

Size limit: 500 words

In this section we consider writings - memoirs, obituraries and commendatories -  on the greatest Indian artistes of yester years and our times. 

The Kalaparva